Humans and AI in Manufacturing: mission impossible?

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Humans and AI in Manufacturing: mission impossible?

06 May 2021

The publication of this article has been kindly granted by STAR-EU, an ICT-38 Project Cluster partner.

The World Manufacturing Forum 2020 Report says: “Artificial Intelligence is not novel in manufacturing. In the last decade however, thanks in part to advancements in AI algorithms, computational power, connectivity, and data science, it has gained more importance as companies increasingly see it as a driver for competitive advantage.

However, the lack of experienced talent to work with AI, lack of know-how, and the need for accurate data remain important challenges for organisations in adopting AI.” Unlike other more recent and greenfield application domains mostly related to citizens and B2C, the business benefits for AI adoption in Manufacturing needs to be contextualised in the 6Ps dimensions of an Enterprise. How AI-driven Digital Transformation affects company’s Products (e.g. connected cars), Processes (e.g. maintenance), Platforms (e.g. MES ERP PLM systems), People (e.g. professions and skills), Partnerships (e.g. Digital Innovation Hubs and SMEs) and Performance (e.g. twin transition digital-green business indicators).